Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Another day....


I was blessed this morning, because I woke up to inhale another breath of fresh air. I was blessed this morning because I had water to wash my face and brush my teeth. I was blessed with clean clothes to wear, juice to drink, and breakfast to eat. I was blessed today with a car that started and took me to work. I was blessed today because I have a job that I really love and friends that I work with. I was blessed today to lead a group and teach them how to journal to help them to relieve stress and express themselves. I was blessed at noon because I had food to eat for lunch. I was blessed this afternoon to provide transportation to my clients and take them to their appointments and to the food pantry. I am blessed by the clients that I serve. I was blessed this evening to have a home to go to tonight, a television to watch, food to cook for dinner, family to talk to on the phone, and I was blessed to have hot water for a bath and cool air conditioning in my house. I was blessed today to have a bed to lie down in and a blanket to pull up over me. Today was just another full day of endless blessings that God in His mercy and love showered down on me. Remember your blessings, and don't forget to always thank God for just another day....