Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I am thankful for...
God, who loved me, even before I was born.
My mother, who gave me life and a wonderful childhood.
My father, who gave me his patient wisdom and his time.
My parents who showered me with love.
My brothers...
Tim, my brother, who makes me laugh.
John, my brother, who prays for me.
My grandfather, who reflects the love of Christ.
My aunt Patsy, who blesses me with her friendship.
My daughters...
Jaime, my daughter, who has made life a drama and adventure since birth.
Shannon, my daughter, who amazes me with her faith and her wisdom.
My granddaughters...
Breanna, who was the first and claimed the sweetest place in my heart.
Audrie, who is always there with a hug, with affection, and with love.  She claims a sweet 
place in my heart too.
Jocelyn, the baby, who can brighten my whole world with just the sight of her smile and
the sound of her laughter.  She holds her own special place in my heart too.
And, I am thankful for all my friends who make my life so much sweeter.

These are just a few of the people who bless my life and make me utterly thankful!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What I like....

What I like....

reading on rainy days with my cat on my lap
hearing the birds sing in the morning
playing around on my computer
snuggled in a warm blanket and watching the snow fall outside
cool days in the fall
lightly warm days in the spring
the smell of poporn popping
the scent of roses and carnations
seeing my grandchild smile
hearing my grandchild laugh
eating Chinese food
watching a thriller movie--but not too scary
reading a book so good it makes me cry
listening to Adam Lambert
listening to Praise Music
the noises a baby makes
watching so you think you can dance
talking on the phone
Steven Hanks art
window shopping
and laying down on cool clean sheets at the end of a day.  These are just a few of the things that I like....

Friday, June 4, 2010

June 4,2010

Well, if I were still married today would be my 33rd anniversary. That would have been amazing, but I have been divorced since 1997. I still miss Andy and wonder where we would be now if things had worked out differently. I am happy where I am today in my life. But, I do miss having someone to talk to , someone to just hold me. But, then I think of all the nonsense that goes with having a man and a relationship--and I know I'm good just where I am without the man drama. I am at peace and enjoy life, it's just sometimes you think about having someone beside you--just sometimes though.
All for now,